Innovative Choreography Virtual Twirling Competition
Innovative Choreography Virtual Competition
January 30th, 2025
March 25th, 2025
Coaches/Teachers: Click HERE to register!
Independent twirlers & parents: Click HERE to register!
More Details
$10 per most individual event
**Additional judge feedback/scoring available for $10 per routine
$20 per show twirl, collegiate solo, rhythmic
$40 groups/teams (total, not per person)
Your routines will not be shared with other competitors to protect the privacy of each participant. Upon signing up, you will agree to allowing Innovative Choreography to feature a snapshot or small portion of your routine on our social media accounts and website. We will not show full routines.
You have choices for which video to submit. You are welcome to submit a video you already have or record a new one in a space safe for performing. We love to see the creative places twirlers are choosing! Please know the location of your video will NOT affect the scoring.
How to submit:
Fill out the online registration form. On the form you can submit your video link (unlisted or public YouTube, Dropbox, Google Photos, Google Drive). If you have questions on how to set your video as unlisted/public please email us. We are happy to help!
What to expect:
You will receive video critiques from 1 judge (2 judges for show twirl, rhythmic, and collegiate solo. 3 judges for teams/groups) along with a breakdown of your scores. You can expect to get your feedback/placement approximately one week from the date of the competition.
All entries will receive an electronic certificate indicating placement. Judges may also give out specialty awards. Winners will be featured on our social media accounts as well as website.
Ages Divisions: As of September 1st, 2023
*Petitie 0-6
*Mini 7-9
*Junior 10-12
*Teen 13-15
*Senior 16+
You can wear whatever you would like for the competition (warm up attire or costumes). For routines other than solos, the dancers need to be wearing the same attire so there is a uniform look.